School Vision

We collaboratively build our understanding in a safe, supportive learning community. We make meaning and explore connections with the world through our love of language and arts, the authors of our learning.

Wellbeing Vision

Newlands Primary School develops a community spirit and fosters a sense of belonging, creating an environment that is inclusive and supportive. Staff and students thrive, feeling content, healthy, and empowered to excel at their fullest potential.

School Philosophy

Newlands Primary School is committed to creating an environment where students feel a strong sense of belonging and connectedness. Our school ethos ‘Through relationships, we build success’ is embodied by all members of our schooling community.

At Newlands Primary School, the wellbeing, inclusion, and engagement of both staff and students lie at the heart of our educational philosophy. We firmly believe that prioritising health and wellbeing lays the foundation for academic achievement and personal growth. Our school designs programs that cater to the diverse needs of our community, collaborating with students, parents/carers, and health professionals to implement and enhance initiatives focused on wellbeing. We integrate social and emotional learning strategies into our curriculum to foster students’ self-awareness, empathy, and relationship skills, aligning with both the Victorian Curriculum and our school’s policies.

Our staff prioritise the needs of every child, acknowledging the significance of cultural safety for Indigenous children, those from culturally diverse backgrounds, and those with disabilities. We offer additional support through Individual Learning Plans and smaller group sessions to ensure every student receives the assistance they require. Newlands Primary School is committed to creating an environment where all students feel respected, valued, and empowered to fulfill their potential, regardless of their circumstances.

A positive approach to wellbeing permeates our school culture, with various programs integrated throughout our curriculum. Classroom teachers play a crucial role in providing care to students, supported by a dedicated student wellbeing team who further assist students, staff, and parents. Our focus is on nurturing each individual’s confidence and resilience, creating strong social skills for positive peer interaction. We establish a conducive learning environment through our ‘Start Up program ‘ by setting clear expectations for behavior and respect.

School Values

Responsibility / Responsabilidad

We ensure we are organised, and are and ready for learning. Our learning community is responsible for everyone’s learning success. We are responsible for our environment, locally and globally.

Creativity/ Creatividad

We embrace creativity as a cornerstone of our learning journey, continuously seeking to comprehend and actively participate in the world that surrounds us. We endeavor to make meaningful contributions that uplift both ourselves and our global community.

Curiosity / Curiosidad

We develop our strengths and identify opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills. Our school learns through wondering, questioning, thinking, and inquiring. We are curious about the world we live in.

Care / Cuidado

We care about improving all aspects of our learning.  Our school is a safe and secure learning environment, which celebrates diversity. We care about our world by understanding and taking action.

School Keystones

The Learner

We never stop learning. We need to plan our actions. Through persistence, we strive to understand. Through reflection, we refine our thinking.

The Inquirer

We develop our strengths and identify opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills. Our school learns through wondering, questioning, thinking, and inquiring. We are curious about the world we live in.

The Communicator

To be an effective communicator we listen to others and prompt for more information, we can succinctly explain and present our thinking and learning.

The Collaborator

To be effective collaborators, we need to concentrate attentively, support each other, contribute to others’ thinking and unite to move forward.

At Newlands Primary School we believe that all members of the school community should be courteous and show respect towards one another. We aim to implement a consistent approach to classroom management strategies to provide a positive and effective learning environment. We encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour and be proud of their school.

Our school utilises a three-tier continuum of support that promotes learning and well-being for all students. Importantly, students have access to more support when they need it. Below is an explanation of the tiered approach.

Tier One - Promoting Positive Behaviour
The focus for Tier 1 strategies is to promote a positive school and classroom culture through a range of strategies, creating an effective learning environment. These strategies underpin practises that we aim to embed consistently throughout the school and teaching teams.

Whole School positive strategies  Classroom based positive strategies
School Values

School Keystones

Morning ‘Soft Start’ program

Zones of Regulation Chart

Restorative Practices

Respectful Relationships

Berry Street Program

Student Representative Council

School performances

School Houses

Buddy Program

Camps, Excursions and Incursions

Lunchtime Clubs

Positive Emotions

Circle Time

Classroom visual timetables


Zones of Regulations

Calm Corner

Brain Breaks

Golden Statements

Process Praise

‘Startup program’ unit of inquiry – Term 1

Explicit teaching of school values and expected behaviors.

Use of our School Values lanyards Classroom shared expectations

Tier Two: Early intervention

Tier 2 provides intervention and support for students who need additional help in developing positive behaviours.

In this tier, interventions include increased instruction, supervision, positive reinforcements, academic support, pre-corrections, and focus on finding the function of the behaviour.

Individual and Small Group Strategies/Adjustments for Behaviour Support Plan Implementation
Whole School

Mentoring & Social Skill Groups (external to classroom)

Classroom Based

All About Me Chart

First, then chart

Individual Visual Timetable

Alternative/sensory seating arrangements

Daily Check-Ins

‘I need a break’ card

Review previous reports.

Function of behavior checklist

Create and Implement a Behavior Support Plan (BSP)

BSP communicated with families Wellbeing coordinator made aware of potential referral needs.

Tier 3: Individual Intervention

Tier 3 behavior intervention supports are individualized supports for students.

Often, these students exhibit highly disruptive or dangerous behaviors and need more intensive support.

Planning of individualised and intensive supports for students.

Tier 3 is for students with the most persistent, extreme and complex behavioural needs. The focus of Tier 3 supports includes:

• identifying students requiring intensive supports

• facilitating Functional Behaviour Assessments and behaviour support plans

• implementing a Student Support Group approach

• Monitoring the fidelity and impact of Tier 3 supports

Classroom Teachers of Tier 3 students are provided extra support where required, including, Professional Learning, time to attend SSG meetings and to meet with professional support people.

Disability Inclusion Funding and Support

The Program for students with disabilities is a targeted supplementary funding initiative aimed at providing resources to schools for supporting the educational needs of students with high needs disabilities.

While teachers already make adjustments to the curriculum and its delivery to accommodate many students with disabilities and learning needs, there exists a smaller group of students who require additional support.

This assistance is made possible through funding provided by the Victorian Government under the Disability Inclusion Funding and Support program.

At Newlands, we have a three tiered response in relation to ensuring students are making good choices during learning time.

The following is the process for teachers in supporting students to make good choices inside the classroom as well provide a clear process to all members of the Newlands Community of the actions that take place when there are continual or persistent problems

The following explicitly explains the students behaviour, the teachers response and when incidents need to be recorded as well as parents need to be contacted.

Step 1

Student Behaviour Teacher Responsibiities Communication
Students have arrived at school and are ready for learning by 9am. Students are on the floor showing active listening during The Collective and are participating during the instructional model. Students are demonstrating the school values and following the classroom agreement or their Behaviour Support Plan. Tier 1 strategies are implemented by the teacher, focussed on supporting students actions, behaviour and work. Teacher refers to the whole class in relation values and expectations. Teachers record notes on Sentral at their own discretion.
Step 2.1 - Re Direction / Informal Warning

Student Behaviour Teacher Responsibiities Communication
A student is off task and not following the classroom expectations or their Behaviour Support Plan. Teacher states classroom expectations and redirects/supports students to move back on task. The teacher will check in with the student at an and ask questions to see if there are outside factors contributing to students choice about learning and checks the child knows if they understand the task (is it too difficult, easy). Teacher will praise the student for regulating their behaviour through verbal and non verbal cues. Teachers record notes on Sentral at their own discretion.
Step 2.2 - Formal Warning

Student Behaviour Teacher Responsibiities Communication
Student continues to not follow teacher and classroom expectations or their Behaviour Support Plan. Explicitly communicate to student that they are receiving a formal warning and outline the expected behaviour through a restorative conversation. Teachers record notes on Sentral at their own discretion.
Step 3.1 - Reflection Time

Student Behaviour Teacher Responsibiities Communication
When inappropriate behaviour continues, the child completes a reflection form identifying the inappropriate behaviour and what they should be doing in a calm space. Student may need support with regulation before moving to a reflection slip. When reflection slip is completed child will stay in calm space for 5 minutes / 10 minutes (dependent on grade) before returning to class having discussed the reflection sheet (Teacher may need to support some students with this). Calm space contains timer and reflection forms. Limited interaction between student and teacher so teacher can continue with class. Child uses visual prompts to set timer, complete reflection form and continue working. When time is up, child returns to class and continues working without intervention. Follow up conversation will take place at a suitable time on that day, while we recommend that it happens as soon as possible. Teacher will collect reflection sheets which can be referenced if a BSP needs to be created or a phone call home is needed.
Step 3.2: Classroom Removal

Student Behaviour Teacher Responsibilities Communication
Student moved to Team Teaching Class if inappropriate behaviour continues, the student is sent to team teaching class for 20 minutes. The student completes their work / or writes an apology letter to the class and teacher. Curriculum work. Student to sit, complete apology letter as well as supplied curriculum work (not to be used as a helper). Teacher contacts parents to inform the behaviour and process taken during a non-teaching time, Teacher to make a note on SENTRAL.
Step 3.3: Behavioural Support Plan

Student Behaviour Teacher Responsibiities Communication
*If this becomes a trend 2-3 times in a week a Behaviour Support Plan will be created. Teacher will use BSP template to create a Tier 2 BSP with support from Wellbeing. A teacher will be released for 1 hour to create a BSP and contact family to organise a meeting about the implementation of BSP. Teacher to communicate BSP with team teacher. Behaviour Support Plan meeting to be organised at earliest convenience.
Step 4: External Support

Student Behaviour Teacher Responsibilities Communication
Still Not Improving Referrals requested by Wellbeing Co-ordinator. Consideration for DI Application Review and Update Behaviour Support Plan with External and DET providers (where possible). Behaviour Support Plan meeting continue. Teacher, Wellbeing and Leadership involved in the process.
Empty Toggle - Closed by default CSS
Asthma Action Plan

Every student with asthma attending Newlands Primary School must have a written Asthma Action Plan ideally completed by their treating doctor or pediatrician, in consultation with the student’s Parent/ Carer. This Action Plan should be attached to the student’s records and updated annually or more frequently, if the student’s asthma changes significantly.

If a student is obviously and repeatedly experiencing asthma symptoms and/or using an excessive amount of Reliever medication, the parents/carers will be notified so that appropriate medical consultation can be arranged.

Anaphylaxis Management Plan

An Individual Anaphylaxis Plan is required for any student who has been diagnosed by a Medical Practitioner as being at risk of anaphylaxis.

The Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan will be in place as soon as practicable after the student enrols, and where possible before their first day of school.

Anaphylaxis Management Policy


The Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan will set out the following:

  • information about the student’s medical condition that relates to allergy and the potential for anaphylactic reaction, including the type of allergy/allergies the student has (based on a written diagnosis from a Medical Practitioner);
  • strategies to minimise the risk of exposure to known and notified allergens while the student is under the care or supervision of School Staff, for in-school and out-of-school settings including in the school yard, at camps and excursions, or at special events conducted, organised or attended by the School;
  • the name of the person(s) responsible for implementing the strategies;
  • information on where the student’s medication will be stored;
  • the student’s emergency contact details;
  • an Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Action plan.

It is the responsibility of the Parents to:

  • provide the ASCIA Action Plan;
  • inform the school in writing if their child’s medical condition, insofar as it relates to allergy and the potential for anaphylactic reaction, changes and if relevant, provide an updated ASCIA Action Plan;
  • provide an up to date photo for the ASCIA Action Plan when that Plan is provided to the school and when it is reviewed; and
  • provide the school with an EpiPen that is current and not expired for their child.
Emergency Information

Please make sure that the information on the Confidential Student Enrolment Form is kept up to date. Addresses, telephone numbers, work telephone numbers and the address and telephone number of a friend or neighbour must be correct – otherwise your child may be unnecessarily distressed when we need to contact you in an emergency.

It is essential that addresses and phone numbers of parents/carers and contact people are always kept up to date. Notification of changes in a child’s medical, social and emotional condition is important. (See Enrolment Details section for an update form.)

Accidents & Illness

If your child becomes ill or injured at school and requires treatment at home or by a doctor, a parent/carer will be contacted. Telephone contact numbers supplied in your child’s confidential Student Enrolment Form will be used, so we stress the importance of keeping these details up to date. Should an injury be serious, an ambulance will be called to attend.

It is essential that if your child suffers from any serious illness, such as asthma, anaphylaxis or diabetes, that information and/or medication be provided to the school.

An agreed health plan will be developed using this information for the well being of your child.

Infectious Diseases

Remember – infectious diseases spread quickly at school. A SICK CHILD MUST BE KEPT AT HOME. The school has neither the facilities nor the personnel to cope with sickness. A child must be excluded from school if suffering from an infectious disease. Some of the diseases are listed below:

  • Chicken Pox 7 days
  • Mumps 14 days
  • Whooping Cough Medical Certificate
  • Hepatitis Medical Certificate
  • Scabies Medical Certificate
  • German Measles 5 days
  • Measles 7 days
  • Head Lice Excluded until treatment commences
  • Impetigo Until sores have healed

If you are unsure whether a child is to be excluded after contracting, or being in contact with an infectious disease, please contact the school.

Medicine & Tablets

Parents/carers must inform the office staff if medication is brought to school.

To assist teachers, parents/carers should supply medication in a container that gives the name of the child, the dose and the time the medication is to be given. The name of the medication should be clearly marked on the container. This is to be handed in at office.

Parents will need to complete a consent form.

School Nurse Service

The School Nurse Service is authorised to conduct medical examinations with parental/carer permission in the Foundation year. This is usually done by the school nurse who visits the school prior to the examinations to speak to the Foundation children’s parents/carers at an information gathering. Children from other classes are examined on referral by the class teacher and/or parent/carer.

Sunsmart Policy

Our SunSmart policy has been developed to ensure that all students attending our school are protected from skin damage caused by ultra-violet rays from the sun. The wearing of hats, which protect the face, neck and ears, is compulsory whenever the children are outside during Terms 1 and 4. All students are required to wear school hats that protect their face, neck and ears, i.e. legionnaire, bucket hat. We encourage the use of SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen when the students are in the playground, on excursions and playing sport.

Buddy Program

Our school buddy program operates between our Grade 5/6 students and the Foundation students.

Foundation class students meet their ‘buddy’ during the transition program.

Our school buddy program is supported by resources and materials from the Alannah and Madeleine Foundation Better buddies program.